start from monday 20 April 2009 our office goes to open source. Well actually i dont know much about open source. As i know,
Open source is an approach to design, development, and distribution offering practical accessibility to a product's source (goods and knowledge).
well i dont know if that will mean pinguin everywhere.
Lucky that i dont need to install all linux my self, we have KLPI supporting us, so the prointer, scannner, printer sharring, till monitor resolution is done. Many thanks to KLPI.
Ok, lets talk about linux on my office room,
First that all of our computer use Intel P4 or higher processor, minimum 256MB of ram, minumum 40GB harddisk.
Second is we have centralized printer on my pc as print server we use HP 2300
from that two clause, we decide to use Debian Ubuntu Herdy.
Its apperance almost like windows, if you ever install windows blinds on windows, it will be very easy to use.
everything you need is on apt-get command :D
it has OpenOffice that you need to open docx and xlsx file
you can play mp3 easily,
well thats all, the thing already i try is changing its apperance as much as i can to be a mac looks
thats why i try mac4lin software