Saturday, October 29, 2011

setting dns internet mobile

setelah quota telkomsel flash habis saatnya berkutat mencari quota tambahan.
alternatifku ya cuma internet three dari 3. ternyata isp ini punya kelemahan nga cocok pake modem dan routerku dimana ip dns yg kepake bila di otomatis adalah dan bener bener geblek!
setelah lama berkutat dengan google akhirnya ketemu juga internal dns nya internet nya three yaitu dan
lumayaaaan ilmu baru karena three lenih lancar buat segmen low end.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to make printer HP Laser Jet 1006 Work on Ubuntu 11.04

this is the simple way to make HP Laser Jet 1006 work when sometimes it stuck wont print every time you make cold boot the CPU

boot up the pc

wait until the HP ICON appear on top right side on your PC, and make sure PC inform you the HP Printer Ready.

Right click your mouse then some menu shown the Click “HP DEVICE MANAGER
Click “Download Firmware”

 then Download Firmware begin … look at your Printer LED indicator, it must be blinking .

Wait for a moment, and then TADAAAA your Pinter ready to print.

Friday, October 7, 2011

happy birthday jogja

today we wear traditonal javanese called "surjan", dont forget spend little time for JOGJA JAVA CARNIVAL

see and join "panjat pinang" in Jogja City Hall